Manual Testing SyllabusÂ
In this tutorial we mention/list out all the manual testing syllabus as we know today automation testing is on demand but go for automation testing is also important to learn the manual testing concept in depth without the understanding the manual testing concept it is tough to understand the automation.
As we study the manual testing we also learn the SQL database testing and API testing and we go for automation testing java with selenium,cucumber etc.It is important to learn the manual testing but not all work is done through the automation testing so manual testing is also important as automation.
Manual Testing Full Course Syllabus
1.What is software.
3.What is software testing.
4.Why and when it is done.
5.What is Software development life cycle(SDLC).
6.Different phase in Software development life cycle (SDLC).
7.Information gathering from client.
8.The role of BA.
9.SRS and BRS document in software testing.
10. High level design (HLD) .
11.Examples of High level design (HLD) and Low level design (LLD).
12. Coding/programming phase in Software development life cycle (SDLC).
13. What is Testing .
14. Maintains phase in SDLC.
15. VerificationÂ
16. Validation.
17.Static testing.
18.Dynamic testing.
19.White box testing and Black box testing.
20.Difference between static and dynamic testing.
21.Difference between Verification and validation.
22.Difference between white box testing and black box testing.
23.Gray box and Red box testing.
24. Different methodologies/model's/process used for software development.
25.What is Estimation.
26.What are the different factors use while estimation.
27.Who is involved in estimation process.
28.Different meeting/events/ceremonies in Agile.
29.Features /characteristics in agile.
30.Advantages and disadvantages of Agile.
31.Different role and responsibilities of tester in Agile.
32.Different types of testing and types of Black box testingÂ
33. Environment testing and what are the different environments in testing.
34.Difference between SIT and UAT/CAT.
35.Types of UAT.
36.Difference between Alpha and Beta testing.
37.Smoke,Sanity,Retesting,Regression testing and types.
38.Difference between smoke and sanity testing.
39.Definitions:-defect leakage, production issue,defect release,Bug age(defect age).
40.Entry and Exit criteria/conditions in testing with example.
41.Shows topper(Blocker defect),cosmetic defect.
42.Scenario based testing/testing terminologies.
43.Tab validation,link validation,page validation,GUI validation .
44.Test suits/Test batch/Test set/Test pack.
45.End to End testing.
47.Traceability matrix and types.
48.Test case review and types.
49.MOM(Minutes of meeting).
50.concepts/Terms:-sprint, user stories.
51.Priority and Severity.
52.Priority and Severity defects and types with examples.
53.Defect life cycle.
54.Agile velocity.
55.Burn down chart.
56.Acceptance criteria.
57.Test Bed.
58.Agile grooming meeting/refinement /backlog grooming meeting.
59.Test Case design techniques.
60.Test case template and definition.
61.Test scenario (positive and negative) with example and templet's.
62.Test plan Document.
63.Low level design (LLD).
64.Usability testing.
65.Functional testing.
66.Behavioral testing.
67.Input domain testing.
68.Error handling testing.
69.Back end database testing.
70.Service level testing.
71.Calculation based testing.
72.Non functional testing.
73.Recovery testing.
74.Compatibility testing.
75.Configuration testing.
76.Installation testing.
77.Intersystem testing.
78.Sanitation testing.
79.Parallel testing.
80.Globalization testing.
81.Performance testing.
82.Security testing.
83.Difference between error,bug,defect and issue.
84.What is error.
85.What is bug.
86.What is defect.
87.Product Backlog.
89.Sprint backlog.
90.Actor in agile.
91.Role of Scrum master.
92.Architecture of Agile.
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