Integration Testing

Integration Testing 


In Testing process integration testing play and important role where its done in both side by developer and tester also. In integration testing both developer and tester are play very important role to check the flow of data between two modules.

Integration testing is also know as interface testing. basically  Integration testing is the process of checking  the flow of data or resource between two modules.

Unit Testing

In unit Testing each module is Testing independently where in Integration Testing this independent and different module combine together and check as hole unit. Integration testing goal is to check correctness communication between this all modules.

Unit Testing
Unit Testing

  Integration testing

Integration Testing
Integration Testing

In integration testing different and independent module combine together and tested as a hole system or unit.

Integration Testing is performed by both testers and developer side also. Developer perform integration testing by two approaches 

1.Front end integration.

2.Back end integration. 

1.Front end Integration .

In this integration testing developers combine independent modules by using "call function".

2.Back end Integration .

In integration testing back end integration testing is done by developer where developer combine different tables by using " join queries".

Important point:-Developer check for database connectivity in integration testing. 

Tester check functionality during integration testing. 

After completion of analysis by developers side tester are going to check functionality of interdependent module.

Testers side integration testing done by using three approaches


Integration Testing Approaches
Integration Testing Approaches

1.Top down approaches.

2.Bottom up approaches.

3.Sandwich/bidirectional/hybrid approaches. 

1.Top Down Approaches.


Top Down Approaches

                           Top Down Approaches


Here testing will be perform from top to down M1 will be tested first then M2 and M3 and lastly all the modules M4,M5,M6,M7.

When main module is ready to check but sub module is not ready and we want check communication in between them then we use top down approach module.

So developer write Temporary program which called stub and then on the bases of this stub testers check integration between them.

Here stub is temporary  program which is used to check main module instead of under construction or physically not available submodule.

2.Bottom Up Approaches 


bottom up approaches
Bottom up approaches

In bottom up approaches submodule is ready but main module is not ready then testers use bottom to up module to test the application

To test the application tester use driver as submodule.

Tester are testing submodule using drivers tester test submodule instead of main module driver is also called as "calling program".

3.Sandwich/bidirectional/hybrid approaches.

Sandwich/bidirectional/hybrid approache
Sandwich/bidirectional/hybrid approach

Sandwich/bidirectional/hybrid approached is combination of top down and bottom up module which testers are testing. Sometimes it will happen and sometime it will work as submodule.

When it work as main module at that time sub module are under construction then top down module will be used.

When it work as sub module at that time main module is under construction then bottom up module will be used.

Important points


 Stub is temporary  program which is used to check main module instead of under construction or physically not available submodule.


Tester are testing submodule using drivers tester test submodule instead of main module driver.

Purpose of Integration Testing 

1.The main purpose of integration testing is to validate that different software components.

2.Applications work together as a system to achieve the desired functionality and performance. 

3.Integration testing helps to identify and resolve any issues that may arise when components are combined, such as compatibility issues.

4.Also Integration testing used to check  performance ,incorrect  communication, or data corruption.

Advantages of Integration testing

1.Integration testing validates system behavior.

2.Integration testing provides good testing coverage.

3.Integration testing improve the performance of application and stable the system.

4.It helps to find out defect at early stage.

5.It provide the proper test components interaction.

Disadvantages of Integration testing

1.Cost of implementation is higher.

2.Difficult to resolve the defect.

3.Integration testing process is complex.

4.Integration testing process is time consuming.


This  software testing tutorial is specially  for beginners and professionals and students and who want to learn testing from basic.


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