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Phase of Software development life cycle (SDLC).

  Phase of Software development life cycle (SDLC) 


Software development life cycle(SDLC) is the framework through which get idea of flow of project how the hole process is done specially design for development of product in organization.

Following are the  Phase of Software development life cycle (SDLC)

Software development life cycle(SDLC)

1.Information Gathering(BA)

In Software development life cycle information gathering phase is the first phase where software development start.

In this phase BA(business analyst) is going to collect all requirements what actually client want BA Collects this all requirement.

BA is mediator between client and company/organization.

After collecting this requirements BA is prepare two document 



A.BRS/BRD:-Business requirement/business requirement document.

This document is prepared by BA and in this document describes the customer requirement to be develop by following this document get an idea of what client requirement is and what client wants.

This document is bridge between technical people and client. BRS Consist of high level business language  its consist of all business requirement.

BRS/BRD Document consist of following points





5.Non functional requirements.



8.Test cases/test scenarios,use cases.

2.SRS Analysis


Software requirement specification.

After  collecting the all requirements from client BA prepare this two documents where BA is review his own document again and again to verify what exactly client wants it take in the document or not.

During this stage issue /query in requirement will be solved and then BA pass the SRS Document to technical team.

This document is prepared by BA it consist of it consist of functional requirement to be developed and system requirement to be used.in which every document is detaily explained.

SRS consist of following points

1.Functional requirement.

2.Functional flow diagram.


4.system requirement.


This is the second phase of SDLC

There are two stages in design 

1.High level design.(HLD)

2.Low level design.(LLD)

1.High level design(HLD)

High level design gives the architecture of the software to be developed it contains main module which is going to develop.

This module is done by architect and senior developers' also its contains data flow, flow charts.in this phase design team, testers, customers are play major role.

2.Low level design(LLD)

Low level design done by senior developers it describes how each and every. features in the product should work and how every components should work.

It contains detail description of each and every module or components.in simple way it is detailing of HLD in which detail explain and represented each and every component logic.

4. Coding/programming

Coding is comes under white box testing. coding or programming is done by developers in coding there is team of developers who creating program or code for specific product on the bases of requirements.

After understanding of design and requirements developer team start coding for the product.

This is the basically process where developers start building the software and start writing the code for product.


Testing is the process of software or system or its component(s) the intention is to find whether it satisfies or completed the specified requirements or not.

Testing is the process of executing a system to identify any gaps,errors,missing requirements to the actual requirements.

By checking core behavior of application find out the bug or error or any missing functionality of application.

Software testing is the process of activity to check whether actual result matches with the accepted result or not".

Software testing is a process of identifying the correctness of software by considering its all features like Reliability, Scalability, Portability, Re-usability, Usability and by considering this points find out the bugs or errors or defects from the application and provide defect free or bug free application to the customer.

 6.Deployment phase

After testing deployment phase is comes under a picture.In this phase after testing product is deployed here where UAT (User Acceptance testing) is done depending on the customer expectation along with testers.

In the case of UAT, a copy of model of the production environment is created and the customer along with the tester check  If the application is as per customer  expectation or not then customer gives sign off and give a permission to product go to live.

Once the software testing phase is over and no bugs or errors left in the system then the final deployment process starts. Based on the feedback given by the project manager, the final software is released and checked for deployment issues if any.


Maintenance is the last phase in SDLC .when customer start using the developed software then the actual problems comes out and need to be solved from time to time.

This process where the care is taken for the developed product is known as maintenance.

 Here as the customer uses the product, he finds certain bugs and defects and sends the product back for error correction and bug fixing.

Also new change in request (CR) and enhancement take care in this process.

100 % testing is not possible because the way testers test the product is different from the way customer.

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This  software testing tutorial is specially  for beginners and professionals and students and who want to learn testing from basic.


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