SQL Tutorial
"SQL is structured query language and it is used to storing,manipulating and retrieving data which is stored in relational database"Â
Welcome to all who want learn and to become professional in SQL.This tutorial is special made to our our students and who interested to learn SQL with us.This SQL tutorial provide to all of you basic to advance knowledge.In this tutorial we try to provide all concepts related to SQL Server.Â
SQL Stands for (Structured Query Language) and it is used to store the records,creating tables,update tables,delete records,drop the recordes,insert the records,by using SQL we change the table and column name also also SQL gives permission to Grant and Revoke permission to user which we see in detail in this upcoming tutorials.
If you want to perform different operation of SQL you need to install any database management system in your system examples,oracle,MYSQL,SQL server,MongoDB,oracle etc.
What is SQL
Full form of SQL is (Structured Query Language) sql is not case sensitive language.Main purpose of SQL is to maintained the data in relational database management system."SQL is structured query language and it is used to storing,manipulating and retrieving data which is stored in relational database"Â
By using SQL we can access the data such as insert the data,delete the existing data and retrive the data.SQL Tutorial
There are following two way we can interact with the Front end and Back end application
1)Â Front end Application
User can easily interact with the front end application e.g facebook registration page
Tools we used-JAVA, .net ,php
2) Backed Application
User can not easily interact with the back end application e.g facebook registration (backed where data save) to that time we use different database application/tools
Tool we used-SQL Server,oracle,MySQL,etc
SQLÂ History
SQL is structured query language and it is used to storing,manipulating and retrieving data which is stored in relational database
SQL Stands for (Structured Query Language) and it is used to store the records,creating tables,update tables,delete records,drop the recordes,insert the records,by using SQL we change the table and column name also also SQL gives permission to Grant and Revoke permission to user.
SQL became a standards of the American National Standards Institutes(ANSI) in 1986 and of the international organization for standardization(ISO)in 1987.SQL Tutorial
Types of SQL CommandÂ
There are five types of SQL commands DDL,DQL,DML,TCL,DCL.
SQL commands are used to perform different operations in SQL server this all help to maintain and handling the data in SQL database by using this commands we can fetch the record from database also we can delete,create,alter,drop,truncate,rename data from database.
DQL (Data Query Language)
Select :- select command is used to retrieve or fetch the data from database.
DDL (Data Definition Language)
Create :-It is used to create new table in database
Alter :- This command used to add new column,drop existing column,update data type from existing column.
Drop :- This command is used to delete the all records permanently roll back is not possible in drop.
Truncate :-This command is used to delete the records but keep the structure remains same.
Rename :-This command is used to change the name of existing table and column.Â
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
Insert :- insert command used to insert new records in table.
Update :- update command is used to update the from database.
Delete :- delete command is used to delete the saved records it delete single or multiple records from database.
DCL (Data Control LANGUAGE)
Grant :- Grant command gives access permission to user.
Revoke :-Revoke command take back this permission from user.
TCL (Transaction Control Language)
Commit :-Commit command changes are permanently saved.
Roll Back :-Roll back it is possible to get exist/delete data back.
SQL Can Do
1.SQL Can retrieve the data from database.
2.SQL Can delete the data from database.
3.SQL Can update the data from database.
4.SQL Can create table in database.
5.SQL Can drop the data from database.
6.SQL Can delete the records but structure remains same by using truncate command.
7.SQL Can rename the table and column name.
8.SQL Can create views in database.
9.SQL Can give permission to user and also take back that permission.
Advantages of SQL
1.SQL Don't need large programming code to perform the different operations it just required simple query language.
2.Large amount of data can fast and quickly access from database by using SQL queries.
3.SQL language can also help to see and making multiple views of the database structure.
4.SQL is provide simple query language which is simple learn.Â
Disadvantages of SQL
1.Main disadvantage of SQL it is costly
2.Who can use SQL Having /users not have a full access/full database control.
3.SQL Interface is complex.
FAQs (frequently asked questions) on SQL Tutorial
1)Â What is Database?
→Database it is place where we can store and retrieve the data or collection of information in the form of table.
2) What is DBMS?
→DBMS stands for database management system it is a software that allows users to create,manage,and manipulate database by using different query languages in short it is a software that can storing and retrieval operation on the database.some of the popular example of DBMS are oracle,SQL server,MySQL,SQLite.
3) What is RDBMS?
→RDBMS stand for relational database management system DBMS based on relational model is called  relational database management system in RDBMS user can store data in relational structure here relation contains rows and columns.
4) What is SQL?
→SQL is structured query language and it is used to storing, manipulating and retrieving data which is stored in relational database.
5) Which are different commands used in SQL
→Select,insert,update,delete,truncate,grant,revoke,roll back,alter,create,rename to see more detail visit https://www.learnsoftest.com/2023/06/SQL-Commands.html
6) Which are the different DBMS applications
→SQL Server,oracle,MySQL,SQLite etc
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This software testing tutorial is specially  for beginners and professionals and students and who want to learn testing from basic.
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